We want to make female leaders visible. More women than men qualify as solicitors according to statistics published by The Law Society, and yet only a small percentage have made it to leadership positions. First 100 Years wants to highlight the achievements of these incredible women, and also open the discussion as to why there are so few women at the top of the legal profession.
We have compiled this list of women leaders from across the legal profession to record their legacy as pioneers of law: those who have risen to the top roles in their profession. Please get in touch at [email protected] if you know a woman leader in law who you would like to nominate to the list.
Alison Kay
Alison Morley
Alison Yapp
Amanda Pinto QC
Andrea Harris
Baroness Heather Hallett
Bronagh Kennedy
Catrin Griffiths
Charlotte Heiss
Christina Blacklaws
Claire Clarke
Claire Rowe
Clare Hyland
Clare Wardle
Dame Maura McGowan QC
Dame Sharon White
Dame Victoria Sharp
Deborah Grimason
Elaine Williams
Elizabeth Francis
Emma Slatter
Fiona Barton QC
Fiona Dormandy
Fiona Fitzgerald
Funke Abimbola
Georgina Stanley
Hilka Schneider
I.Stephanie Boyce
Janet Mitchell
Jennie Gubbins
Joanne Easterbrook
Kate Cheetham
Kathryn Cronin
Kim Lalli
Kyla Mullins
Lady Jill Black
Lady Justice Anne Rafferty
Lady Mary Arden
Linda Woolley
Lindsay Scott
Lisa Mayhew
Lucy Vernall
Maaike de Bie
Margaret Robertson
Millicent Grant QC (Hon)
Monica Carss-Frisk QC
Penelope Warne
Rachel Small
Ritva Sotamaa
Rosemary Martin
Sandie Okoro
Sara Maccallum
Sarah Booth
Sarah Goulbourne
Siobhan Moriarty
Susan Bright
Tamara Box
Vanessa French
Victoria Brackett
Virginia Clegg
Some leading female entrepeneurs in legal services have written an open letter to GCs to support women led businesses in the coronavirus crisis. You can read the letter here:
Open Letter to all General Counsel for Diversity and Inclusion